
Das Zitat auf hellgrünem Grund: Some adults with ADD can’t let go of their sense of unworthiness. No matter how much they achieve, they can’t believe the achievements are their own. They continue to disown what they have achieved, feeling instead that they are fundamentally worthless. These people behave as if they were addicted to feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness.

Review: Some adults with ADD can’t let go of their sense of unworthiness

Some adults with ADD can’t let go of their sense of unworthiness. No matter how much they achieve, they can’t believe the achievements are their own. They continue to disown what they have achieved, feeling instead that they are fundamentally worthless. These people behave as if they were addicted to feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness.

Aus »Delivered From Distraction« von John J. Ratey Md und Edward M. Md Hallowell

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